Good science fair projects rely on the skills of scientific work that is mastered

When you get the task of making a research project with your friends, you’ll definitely want good science fair projects

But what are the things you should pay attention and mastered to produce good science fair projects? That thing is scientific work skills. Here we describe the thing.

Scientific work skills including observation, data processing and interpretation of data, scientific work skills you need to observe natural phenomena biotic or abiotic. When and where you can make the observation of natural phenomena; because natural phenomena around you of course you can make observations anywhere and anytime. But there are also observations that must be done in a special place. Based on location the observations of natural phenomena divided into outdoor observation and observation in the laboratory.

Good science fair projects

But wherever the observation carried out you still have to optimal in making observations. Involve your entire senses when making observations. However, it should be realized that you have the limitations of sensing devices. To overcome it you can involve tools in your observations, as well as using the microscope to observe objects or living things that are small, use the thermometer to measure temperature accurately, using scales to determine the weight of an object with the right and others.

The observation of the senses generates qualitative data. Qualitative data cannot be measured with numbers and are subjective (depending on observer), for example, the color of fruit is yellow, the taste is sweet, and the surface is smooth and others, while the observation of measuring devices generate quantitative data. The data generated is objective does not depend who is observing e.g. leaf length 20 cm, weight of sugar35 grams and others.

The next steps in scientific work skills are data processing. Gathered data cannot be directly presented for granted, but needs to be processed and analyzed in advance in order to be understood by others. Broadly speaking the data analysis includes three steps i.e. preparation, classification of data and application data according to the project approach. Activities in preparation focus on checking the completeness of the data. If it turns out there is a shortage, the data should be immediately furnished. In terms of data classification, data is grouped according to science project goals. While the purpose of the application of the data corresponding project approach is processing data in accordance with the formulas or rules are taken.

After completion, time to interpretation the data. Here you are required to be able to explain what the data obtained and what it means. The data obtained should be attributed to the fact that the case and the reasons why it happened. Next you bundle a conclusion sentence. Conclusions in a project science are not an essay, but the results of the draw or move something from one place to another. Draw conclusions always have to depend on all the data obtained in the science project activities. It is a big mistake if you draw conclusions remedy pleasing the teacher or your professor by manipulate the data. In other words inferences should be based on data, not on wishful thinking or the will of the perpetrator science project.

That's the explanation of the scientific work skills that you must master to be able to produce good science fair projects. Hopefully be science entered for you.
